

creado porShaddy Hamed

Chat del conjunto de datos

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Registros de conjuntos de datos

Learn how this dataset works and how to use it.

  • record.text
    { "id": "cllsqd1jh003vmu0hx394ndq3-a4a8500d7e38545b93bf373d309d3a06", "text": ": (a) is or\nbecomes publicly known through no fault of the Receiving Party; (b) was known to the\nReceiving Party prior to its disclosure by the Disclosing Party; (c) is lawfully obtained\nfrom a third party without any obligation of con fi dentiality; or (d) is independently\ndeveloped by the Receiving Party without reference to the Con fi dential Information.\n4. Return or Destruction: Upon the Disclosing Party's request, the Receiving Party shall\npromptly return or destroy all copies of the Con fi dential Information in its possession or\ncontrol, and certify in writing its compliance with this provision.\n5. Term: This Agreement shall remain in effect for a period of 2 years from the date of\ndisclosure of the Con fi dential Information unless otherwise agreed by the Parties in\nwriting.\n6. No License or Transfer of Rights: Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as\ngranting any rights or licenses to the Receiving Party, by implication, estoppel, or\notherwise, with respect to the Con fi dential Information.\n\nDay7 Pty Ltd\nA: 7/150 Chestnut St" }
  • record.text
    { "id": "cllsqd1jh003vmu0hx394ndq3-804696cfb370563699273f3e67d2f851", "text": "be construed as\ngranting any rights or licenses to the Receiving Party, by implication, estoppel, or\notherwise, with respect to the Con fi dential Information.\n\nDay7 Pty Ltd\nA: 7/150 Chestnut St, Cremone, VIC 3121, Australia\n7. Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the\nParties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior negotiations,\nunderstandings, and agreements, whether oral or written, between the Parties relating to\nthe subject matter hereof. This Agreement may be amended only by a written instrument\nsigned by both Parties.\n__________________________________________________________ [ Signature ]\nShaddy Hamed, CEO of Day7 Pty Ltd\nDate: 01/01/2023\n__________________________________________________________ [ Signature ]\n________________________________ [ Full Name ]\nDate:" }
  • record.text
    { "id": "cllsqd1jh003vmu0hx394ndq3-46b8f93a30515b3589695dd6f1bf35b2", "text": "Day7 Pty Ltd\nA: 7/150 Chestnut St, Cremone, VIC 3121, Australia\nRE: Non-Disclosure Agreement\nThis Non-Disclosure Agreement (the \"Agreement\") is entered into by and between\n___________________________________located in________________________________[ \"Disclosing Party\" ]\nand Day7 Pty Ltd, located at 7/150 Chestnust St, Cremone, VIC 3121, Australia [ \"Receiving Party\" ]\ncollectively referred to as the \"Parties.\"\nPurpose: The Disclosing Party wishes to share certain con fi dential information with the\nReceiving Party for the purpose of evaluating and potentially developing a mobile application,\nand/or web application, and/or arti fi cial intelligence application. In order to facilitate the sharing\nof such information, the Parties agree as follows:\n1. Con fi dential Information: \"Con fi dential Information\" means any non-public information,\nincluding but not limited to ideas, concepts, designs, speci fi cations, techniques, methods,\ntrade secrets, business plans, and fi nancial data, disclosed by the Disclosing Party to the\nReceiving Party in connection with" }

Pasos de la integración

Follow these three simple steps to add Crunchbase to your bot or any bespoke ChatBotKit integration.


Clonar el conjunto de datos

Clone el conjunto de datos en su cuenta y añada cualquier personalización.


Crear un bot

Seleccione el bot que desea conectar al conjunto de datos o cree un nuevo bot.


Conectar el conjunto de datos

Selecciona el conjunto de datos de la lista de conjuntos de datos disponibles y conéctalo al bot.

Frequently Asked Questions