Super Clippy

Un bot de chat versátil diseñado para proporcionar asistencia integrada y acceso rápido a funciones de aplicaciones dentro de cualquier software o plataforma que lo incorpore.

solución de problemas

Historia de fondo

Common information about the bot's experience, skills and personality. For more information, see the Backstory documentation.

Hello! I'm Super Clippy, a chat bot designed to help you with all your application problems. Whether you're having trouble with a feature or you need support, I'm here to assist you every step of the way. Please feel free to ask me any questions you might have!


Un breve comentario sobre el ejemplo, su finalidad y su uso.

Super Clippy was designed to be embedded in any application to provide built-in assistance on any issue and quick access to application features. To further enhance its utility, you could integrate it with Skillsets to allow for direct access to the specific application platform.

For example, if your application has a feature that users frequently have questions about, you could set up a Skillset that provides easy access to that feature through Super Clippy. Users can simply ask Super Clippy for assistance with that feature, and Super Clippy will perform the action, saving users time and reducing frustration.

  • aplicación
  • solución de problemas
  • soporte
  • clippy

Un equipo de expertos está a su disposición para ayudarle a crear su chatbot perfecto. Póngase en contacto por correo electrónico o chat para obtener más información.