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Modelo de lenguaje obsoleto

Como parte de nuestro compromiso continuo de ofrecerle las mejores herramientas y experiencias de IA, anunciamos la eliminación prevista de determinados modelos lingüísticos. Le guiaremos a través del proceso de transición para garantizar la mínima interrupción de sus proyectos. Planifique con antelación y actualice su código en consecuencia. Esté atento a más actualizaciones y guías de transición detalladas.

We wish to bring to your attention some upcoming changes in our language model lineup. As part of our ongoing commitment to providing you with the best AI tools and experiences, we regularly review our offerings and make adjustments as necessary.

In line with this, we're announcing the planned deprecation of the following language models:

  • text-davinci-003
  • text-davinci-002
  • text-davinci-001
  • text-curie-001
  • text-babbage-001
  • text-ada-001
  • davinci-instruct-beta
  • code-davinci-002
  • text-algo-001
  • text-peopleai-001

Important Notes

  • The deprecation does not mean an immediate discontinuation. We will provide a transition period and guide you through the process to ensure minimal disruption to your projects.
  • We recommend planning ahead to start transitioning your projects to other models that will continue to be supported and updated.
  • If you're using any of the models mentioned in your projects, please be prepared to update your codebase to accommodate the changes.

We appreciate your understanding as we make these necessary adjustments. Your satisfaction is our top priority, and we're committed to making this transition as smooth as possible.

Stay tuned for more updates on the exact dates and detailed transition guides. For any inquiries, please feel free to reach out to our support team.

Thank you for your continued support!