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Presentación de Claude Sonnet y Haiku

Presentamos Sonnet y Haiku, dos modelos de IA de última generación de ChatBotKit que revolucionan la escritura creativa y la precisión lingüística. Únete a nuestro programa beta para experimentar estas innovadoras herramientas y ayúdanos a redefinir los límites de la expresión creativa con IA.

We are excited to announce the beta release of two new models, Sonnet and Haiku, as part of its collaboration with the esteemed Anthropic Claude model family. These state-of-the-art AI models are designed to transform the way businesses and individuals interact with AI, offering unique capabilities tailored to speed and precision.

Currently available in beta, Sonnet and Haiku are undergoing rigorous testing to ensure they meet the high standards of quality and innovation that ChatBotKit is known for. While in beta, availability will be limited as we work diligently to scale our infrastructure to support wider access. This phase is crucial for gathering user feedback and making necessary improvements to enhance the overall experience.

ChatBotKit is committed to pushing the boundaries of conversational AI technology. The introduction of Sonnet and Haiku reflects our dedication to providing users with tools that not only enhance productivity but also unlock new avenues for creativity. We believe these models will be invaluable assets to our customers.

As we progress through the beta phase, we are focused on expanding access and incorporating enhancements based on user insights. Our goal is to make Sonnet and Haiku generally available, ensuring that these innovative tools can be enjoyed by a broader audience.

We invite users to join us in this exciting journey by participating in the beta program and sharing their experiences. Your feedback is invaluable as we strive to redefine the boundaries of conversational AI.