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ChatBotKit presenta nuevas pantallas de métricas de rendimiento para bots, conversaciones y mensajes

ChatBotKit presenta nuevas pantallas de métricas de rendimiento para bots, conversaciones y mensajes, que ofrecen información detallada sobre el rendimiento y la eficacia del chatbot. Las nuevas pantallas incluyen cálculos de Net Promoter Score (NPS), proporcionando una medida cuantificable de la lealtad del cliente. Accesibles desde el panel de control de ChatBotKit, estas funciones revolucionan la comprensión de la interacción con el cliente y ofrecen una visión detallada del rendimiento del chatbot de IA. El compromiso continuo de ChatBotKit con la innovación y la satisfacción del cliente se refuerza con esta actualización, consolidando su posición a la vanguardia del sector de las tecnologías de chat de IA.

We are thrilled to announce the introduction of new performance metrics screens for Bots, Conversations, and Messages.

This enhanced capability is designed to provide more in-depth insights into the performance and effectiveness of your chatbots. The new metrics screens feature the inclusion of Net Promoter Score (NPS) calculations, a renowned customer loyalty metric used globally. The NPS Score will provide a quantifiable measurement of a user's willingness to recommend a company's products or services to others.

These new features are now accessible directly from the ChatBotKit dashboard and have been developed to offer a seamless and user-friendly experience. They are set to revolutionize how organizations understand and improve their customer interactions, offering a granular view of AI chatbot performance.

Lat week, ChatBotKit has introduced a new feature that allows users to collect feedback scores either via the ChatBotKit Widget or through a custom integration via the API or available SDKs. By offering multiple feedback channels, clients can choose the most suitable method for their business requirements.

Our primary goal has always been to provide our users with the tools and insights they need to create exceptional customer experiences. These new performance metrics screens are a major step forward in achieving that goal. With the integration of NPS scores, our clients can now better understand their customer's experiences and use this data to continually improve.

This update is part of ChatBotKit's ongoing commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. It solidifies the company's position at the forefront of the AI chat technologies industry and confirms its commitment to providing users with the best tools and insights to optimize their chatbot interactions.