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ChatBotKit Skillset Abilities ahora viene con una herramienta de prueba incorporada

Descubra la nueva herramienta de prueba integrada para las habilidades del conjunto de habilidades de ChatBotKit, que le permite evaluar a fondo y optimizar sus habilidades, garantizando que ofrezcan los resultados deseados. ¡Lleva tus habilidades al siguiente nivel hoy mismo!

We are excited to introduce a highly anticipated feature that will greatly enhance the creation and troubleshooting of ChatBotKit Skillset Abilities - the built-in test tool. This powerful tool allows you to thoroughly evaluate the performance of your abilities by providing specific inputs and meticulously verifying the expected outcomes.

The addition of this test tool is a significant advancement, enabling you to gain a comprehensive understanding of how abilities work and ensuring they deliver the desired results. By combining the test tool with Ability events, you can further refine and optimize your abilities, taking them to the next level.

Try out the new test tool today and take your ChatBotKit Skillset Abilities to the next level!