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ChatBotKit amplía su oferta de IA con tres nuevos modelos de Anthropic

ChatBotKit se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de tres nuevos modelos de IA de Anthropic: claude-instant-v1, claude-v2.1 y claude-v2. Estos modelos están diseñados para mejorar las capacidades de nuestros chatbots, proporcionando interacciones más intuitivas e inteligentes para las empresas y sus clientes. Con funciones como respuestas rápidas y capacidades avanzadas para interacciones complejas, estos modelos ofrecen experiencias de cliente más personalizadas y eficientes. Mantente a la vanguardia de la tecnología de IA con ChatBotKit y capta a tus clientes de forma eficaz y eficiente.

We are excited to announce the release of three additional AI models from Anthropic: claude-instant-v1, claude-v2.1, and claude-v2. These models are the latest additions to our extensive collection of AI tools designed to deliver more engaging and responsive interactions for businesses and their customers.

The groundbreaking AI modelsclaude-instant-v1, claude-v2.1, and claude-v2 – are currently in the beta phase and have been integrated into our platform for immediate access. ChatBotKit users can now take advantage of these advanced models to create more intuitive and intelligent chatbots.

These models represent the cutting edge of AI technology and will further enhance the capabilities of our chatbots. We believe they will greatly benefit our customers in delivering more personalized and efficient customer experiences.

The claude-instant-v1 model is designed for quick responses, making it ideal for businesses that need to handle a high volume of customer queries in a short amount of time. On the other hand, claude-v2.1 and claude-v2, with their more advanced capabilities, are perfect for complex interactions, offering more detailed responses and understanding nuanced customer inputs better.

As with all our models, these new additions are designed to be easily integrated into existing systems, ensuring our customers can quickly take advantage of their benefits.

For a complete list of all available models and their technical specifications, customers can now access our platform reference pages at https://chatbotkit.com/platform/models.

This expansion reflects ChatBotKit's ongoing commitment to staying at the forefront of AI technology and delivering the best possible solutions to our clients. We look forward to seeing how these new models will help businesses engage their customers more effectively and efficiently.