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ChatBotKit Datasets now support `maxRecords` and `maxTokens`

ChatBotKit Datasets now support maxRecords and maxTokens, giving you even greater control over your chatbot's access to information.

We are excited to announce that ChatBotKit Datasets now support two additional parameters, maxRecords y maxTokens. By specifying these parameters, you can fine-tune the amount of information returned by the dataset API, giving you even greater control over your chatbot.

En maxRecords parameter allows you to specify the maximum number of records to return per search. The default value is set to 3, but you can adjust this value to fit your needs.

En maxTokens parameter specifies how many tokens to use per search result. This gives you even more control over the amount of information returned by the API, allowing you to customize your bot's access to the dataset.

These new parameters are just one more way that ChatBotKit is helping you build smarter, more effective chatbots.

Thank you for using ChatBotKit!