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ChatBotKit anuncia una nueva funcionalidad de cambio de cuenta para usuarios asociados

ChatBotKit anuncia una nueva funcionalidad de cambio de cuenta para los usuarios asociados. Esta función permite a los socios cambiar sin problemas entre sus subcuentas de usuario directamente desde el panel de control de ChatBotKit, ofreciendo una experiencia más ágil y fácil de usar. Gestiona todos los aspectos de las cuentas secundarias del mismo modo que la cuenta principal, incluida la creación de bots, conjuntos de datos y conjuntos de habilidades. Con esta nueva función, los usuarios asociados pueden acceder a todas las funciones de todas las cuentas sin compromiso, lo que hace que gestionar varias cuentas y recursos sea tan fácil como gestionar una sola. La API para socios es totalmente compatible. ChatBotKit está comprometido con la innovación continua para satisfacer las necesidades de socios y desarrolladores.

We are excited to announce a new feature that facilitates account switching for our partner users. This feature enables partners to seamlessly switch between their user sub-accounts directly from the ChatBotKit dashboard, offering a more streamlined, efficient, and user-friendly experience.

The new functionality allows partners to manage all aspects of their child accounts in the same way they would their master account. This includes creating bots, datasets, skillsets, and much more. This feature is designed to reduce developer friction by eliminating the need for dedicated admin interfaces.

One of the most significant advantages of this new feature is that partner users can now use the same powerful ChatBotKit dashboard to access all features across all accounts without compromise. This means that managing multiple accounts and resources is now as easy as managing just one.

The Partner API, which allows developers to build on top of the ChatBotKit platform and create their own SaaS products powered by conversational AI technologies, is also fully supported by this new functionality.

ChatBotKit is committed to continually innovating its platform to meet and exceed the needs of its partners and developers. The new account switching functionality is just one of many updates planned for the coming year.