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Función de prueba de widgets AI

Previsualice y pruebe sus widgets de IA antes de desplegarlos en su sitio web. Obtén una representación realista de cómo interactuará el widget con el contenido de tu sitio web, con opciones para los modos claro y oscuro. Mejora tu experiencia de usuario con la función de prueba de widgets de IA de ChatBotKit.

We are excited to unveil a new feature enabling users to preview and test their AI widgets before deploying them on their websites. This feature symbolizes our commitment to deliver seamless integration and a top-notch user experience.

The process is straightforward and user-friendly. With a simple click on the 'Install' button, users can activate the AI widget's deployment settings. Following this, another click on the 'Test' button will generate a preview, creating an automatic placeholder page. This feature allows users to see firsthand how the widget will interact with their website content, providing a realistic representation of the final output. Moreover, this testing page incorporates both light and dark modes, with an option for users to toggle between the two. This offers a realistic view of how the widget will appear and function in different settings.

ChatBotKit is always looking for ways to enhance and streamline the user experience. This new feature is a significant step towards that. It allows our users to have a clear vision of how the widget will operate in its final environment, ensuring they can align it perfectly with their website design and user journey.

This new feature is a testament to ChatBotKit's dedication to providing cutting-edge AI solutions that are not only powerful but also intuitive to use. The AI Widget testing feature is now available to all users and is expected to bring a new level of confidence and control to the deployment process.

For further information about this feature, visit our documentation or contact our dedicated customer service team.