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Presentación de la personalización avanzada de temas para el widget ChatBotKit

Aproveche el poder de la personalización con la personalización avanzada de temas en ChatBotKit Widget. Explore infinitas opciones de color y versátiles opciones de diseño, todas ellas activables para una fácil integración. Adapte el widget para que refleje la estética de su marca y mejore la participación del usuario sin esfuerzo.

We are thrilled to introduce a significant update to the ChatBotKit Widget Integration - Advanced Theme Customisation! Now, adapting the widget to match your brand's aesthetics is a breeze. Unleash your creativity with a broad spectrum of colours and options, making the ChatBotKit Widget a chameleon ready to blend seamlessly into any design landscape.

With this upgrade, personalizing your widget is more intuitive and fun:

  1. Boundless Colour Choices: Paint your widget with a palette of endless colours. Whether it's matching your brand's theme or trying a new aesthetic, the spectrum of colours available ensures your widget always looks at home on your site.
  2. Versatile Design Options: Beyond colours, explore a multitude of design options to fine-tune the look and feel of your widget, making it a true extension of your brand.
  3. Toggle-Enabled Customisation: Enabling this feature is as simple as a flip of a toggle from the Widget Integration configuration screen. A user-friendly approach to unlocking a world of design possibilities.

This feature underlines our commitment to providing a robust and versatile tool that evolves with your needs:

  • Brand Consistency: Maintain a cohesive brand identity by tailoring the widget to echo your brand's look and feel. It's about creating a familiar and engaging environment for your users.
  • Enhanced User Experience: A well-designed, custom-themed widget is not just visually pleasing, but it also enriches the user experience. It's about creating a visually harmonious interaction that resonates with your audience.
  • Ease of Integration: With the straightforward toggle-enabled feature, integrating and customising has never been easier. It's all about providing a hassle-free experience as you make the widget truly yours.

Dive into the Advanced Theme Customisation options today, and witness how the ChatBotKit Widget transforms to mirror your brand’s identity, enhancing user interaction and satisfaction while ensuring a smooth integration with your existing design.