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Opciones avanzadas de formato para Slack

Ya están disponibles las opciones avanzadas de formato para Slack, que permiten una experiencia de usuario más rica y dinámica. Esta actualización incluye soporte para funciones markdown, incrustación de imágenes, vídeos y enlaces, así como códigos y códigos de bloque. También se han introducido botones interactivos para mejorar la participación de los usuarios. Más información sobre la configuración de la integración con Slack en la documentación de ChatBotKit.

We are announcing today that our Slack integration now fully supports advanced formatting options, providing a richer and more dynamic user experience. This significant upgrade opens up a broad range of new use-cases, making it easier than ever to create powerful AI experiences on the Slack platform.

The enhanced formatting options include support for all markdown features, embedding images, videos, and links, as well as code and block codes. Moreover, the introduction of interactive buttons adds a new dimension of engagement, enabling users to interact with the AI in a more intuitive and fluid manner.

Our focus has always been on providing the best possible user experience. These enhancements to our Slack integration offer more flexibility and creative possibilities, allowing our clients to use ChatBotKit to its full potential.

The upgraded Slack integration is part of ChatBotKit's ongoing commitment to deliver high-quality, user-friendly AI solutions. This update allows users to leverage the versatility of Slack's platform, combined with the power of ChatBotKit's AI, to streamline communication and automate tasks in an increasingly digital world.

For more information about how to configure the Slack Integration, please visit ChatBotKit's Documentation.